Environmental Responsibility

GSM Systems is focused on meeting and contributing in the carbon footprint reductions of our customers’ needs in an environmentally responsible manner. We understand that today’s operations affect tomorrow’s environment.
By re-using, recycling and environmentally disposing of equipment, as well as extending the life of legacy technologies, our core business leads to a greener future. As a major global supplier of products and services in the telecommunications environment, we have always worked to protect and enhance the economic and environmental quality of life for our customers and our employees.
Each or our service solutions is designed to have a positive impact on the environment through the reduction or elimination or carbon emissions:
Managed re-use or extended life-cycle eliminates or delays the carbon produced from manufacturing a new item and that created through the recycling process as well as preserving scare resources. One telecommunication system module (example 1.5kg card) not manufactured negates 8 trees, a base station (20kg) negates 85 trees.
Local Hardware Support reduces carbon emissions by obviating international logistics and eliminates the emissions created by manufacturing more spare parts, with each item repaired locally negating 28 trees.
Even when equipment finally reach end-of-life and we can no longer maintain or find use for it, GSM Systems operate the most ethical and environmentally efficient method for recycling. All items are harvested for useful components and ultimately unwanted material is carefully processed to ensure all material resources are recovered for reuse. 100 systems modules (example 1.5kg card) recycled in this manner negates 22 trees.
We use trees to indicate our carbon offset performance as shown below. Each tree represents 100,000 that would otherwise have to have been planted to offset the carbon emissions generated.
NOTE: All values stated are indicative and may not represent all types of service or equipment in all conditions
GSM Systems is committed and will remain committed to full compliance with all laws and regulations of local, state and federal governments that affect our and customers’ operations.